$200m+ raised by
Topflight’s apps
is the reason our partners
are excited for 2024

by Wana
by Terryberry
YC W22

Our Track Record

Fitness & Wellness
BLE Development

Clinical Trial Management Software

Since we started working with Medable in late 2017, they have continued to report stratospheric growth, increasing their presence with the world’s leading healthcare institutions and reaching more than 750,000 patients.
Jared Klingeisen
VP, Customer Success & Implementation at Medable

Smarter symptom tracker

We came up with an engaging remote patient monitoring app for the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre to help their patients track progress, refill Rx, message doctors, keep diaries during treatment, and visualize their health.
Dr. Jamil Alkhoury

Smart budgeting app for busy millennials

The app connects to users’ bank accounts, analyzes their spending habits, calculates future budgets, and offers professional advice to help customers take control of their finances.
App User Review

Habit-building CrossFit application

We designed and developed an easy-to-use, engaging app for building and reinforcing healthy habits based on our client’s 10-week challenger program.
Chad Cole
Habitap Founder

Cross-platform on-demand babysitting app

A mobile app that we designed and built for the purpose of helping parents schedule times with friends in their network to help with life’s tasks, like pet and babysitting.
Shar Ghoudsifar
Helpkin Founder

AI-assisted mental health chatbot

We have built a cross-platform app that offers learning materials based on the user’s input, predicting what content would improve their mental state.
Robert Williams
Athcorp CEO

Medical-grade light therapy and sanitation gadget

Tygon is a bluetooth low energy-enabled remote control app for an innovative light therapy, sanitation and wireless smartphone charger.
shaul headshot
Shaul Yehezkel
Pedriatic Dentist and Orthodentist

And so many more…

Cedars Sinai

From Vision to Traction with zero risk to your investment

With VTS you can

Only 0.05% of startups get venture capital, and 9 out of 10 of those fail. So, how do Topflight’s partners get to be part of the 0.05% so consistently?

Our Industry First Vision to Traction System (VTS).

VTS is worth your consideration if you are looking for a technical partner who sticks with you throughout the entire process and guarantees your satisfaction all along the way.

With VTS, we aim to take your product from the conceptualization stage all the way to getting you your first customers, all of this with a no questions asked money-back guarantee, which will last for your entire project cycle.


Explore our 5-step process

Everyone has ideas.

Get started with a visual prototype ready for your future investors

Book Strategy Session
$20kAvg. cost
space background everyone has ideas everyone has ideas

Prototype to an MVP that users love. How?

Agile Delivery

We bring products to life with our blend of speed, craftmanship, and collaboration with your users.

Why do we choose the Agile method?

  • To avoid wasting budget on a slow, expensive, and misguided specification phase
  • To cut time-to-market and ensure rapid release cycles
  • To maximise the role your users play in shaping your product
  • To ensure smooth, transparent, and meaningful development

Topflight’s flavor of agile relies on continually refining your product vision, while simultaneously building, delivering and testing viable versions to deliver a winning product.

We put the ‘Minimum’ in MVP.

The Agile approach saves you hundreds of thousands on any features your users don’t need, and instead focuses on perfecting the ones your users love and engage with.

$200 million raised
50 million users reached

Topflight’s meticulous research,
prototyping and discovery process

  • Turning napkin-sketch ideas into testable user journeys.
  • Crafting of world-class, engaging user experiences.
  • Rapid validation of business plan and app features.
  • Developing a lean product roadmap and backlog.

Topflight’s partners avoid costly mistakes
in the development period:

Unneeded Features
Wrong Technology
Wrong Specialists
Recruiting & Hiring

Our clients simply enjoy an unfair advantage.

Record go-to-market times with the features that proved they will engage and retain users.
Multi-year growth outlook to introduce new features and grow to 7 & 8 figures.
Constant support of professionals who have launched dozens of successful startups.
Every dollar goes further, allowing for investment into other aspects of your business.

Topflight doesn’t do jobs.
Only partnerships.

Today’s Visionaries Build Better Tomorrows Here.

Topflight’s partners are at the forefront of disrupting the healthcare industry.

Product Manager

Founder of IoT Startup; Ex-founder of Alice in tokyo; Ex-developer in Javascript

Project Manager

CoFounder of CheckSamples; 10+ yrs of Swift & Javascript; 5+ yrs of IoT experience

UI/UX Designer

Designed for Taco Bell; Lead Design @ Benwally, Stockhaus, Rally

Full-Stack Developer

5+ yrs of Swift & React Native; Lead Dev. for FLTDepartment, Sherpa, Brewjacket

Full-Stack Developer

Lead Dev. on Helpkin, Betmingo, Soberbuddy; 5+ yrs of React, VueJS, React Native

QA Specialist

QA at Goldman Sachs'; Tech Analyst at UBS; 10+ yrs in Manual Testing, Regression, Integration & Automation

Launching MVPs takes more
than working code

“If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late”—said Reid Hoffman of Linkedin.
This used to be the way: Launch the MVP fast, ugly as it may be, because many ideas didn’t exist yet.

Today, there’s an app for just about everything. It’s not enough anymore to have a working app to show investors or early adopters.
First, you need to validate your design and every feature with real user data, to get investors on board for development.

Second, you need to create a minimum version of the app that users will still love, to outcompete the 30 other similar apps they might consider—before you run out of money.

Third, you need to continue iterating the product to keep users engaged, and make sure the technology remains fast and robust for you as traffic grows.

Oh, and you still need to have enough left in the bank for user acquisition and sales. Will you?
With the average $250-$500k seed fund, if a firm quotes you $250k – $500k for development, you are dead in the water.

As a non-technical founder who learned to code to build my own idea, I realized early on that code is just one part of a successful product (although it’s one you can’t get wrong!). That’s why I built a team of Navy SEALs: designers, developers, founders, and product owners with a proven track record of product success, all working together as a team to provide vastly better value than your average 50%-equity technical cofounder. And for the last 6 years, we’ve been helping our clients raise nearly $200 million, and staying on for multi-year retainers to help them continue to grow.

We use the Navy SEALs analogy a lot, because we believe we’re only as good as every single person on the team. If we work together, you’re part of that team. We’ll mix our expertise with your drive, your niche know-how, and your understanding of your users’ needs and desires to deliver a product that achieves your business goals. And beyond.

In Summary…

Who is a fit for Topflight?

  • You don’t want to give up 50% of your future business to a technical founder you just met.
  • You own or aim to own a revenue-producing business.
  • You have a US or European Corporate Structure.
  • You tried outsourcing or offshoring and got burned.
  • You’re looking for a partner that handles all things product (design, development, quality assurance, maintenance and scaling).
  • You’re looking for a partner who will own the product outcomes as a whole, rather than just the code.

Who is not a fit for Topflight?

  • You’re competing with Facebook or Instagram.
  • You want your developer to build to your specs without offering insight or feedback.
  • Your MVP has more than a 1-page list of features.
  • You’re not a designer, but still want to design your app to save money.
  • You plan to spend most of your seed fund on developing the technology.
  • You don’t have a customer acquisition strategy.
  • You haven’t gone “out of the building” to get feedback on your idea from strangers

Joe Tuan
Topflight Apps
Founder, CEO

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