App Developers in Los Angeles

Los Angeles Mobile App Developers

The mobile app industry and the Los Angeles community share many similarities, but one of the most similar is diversity.

Los Angeles is known for being one of the most diverse cities in the country with people from all around the world with different stories to tell, and the city itself tells many stories. In custom app development, we see diversity in many forms as well, with stories to suit.

To be a mobile app developer in Los Angeles means creating a functional and beautiful tool out of our clients’ ideas. We live to do this on a daily basis. Our team is a full-service, A to B, design through development company that takes your idea through every stage of its maturation.

Ideas are plentiful, but it takes a team of experts to bring them to life. Share your idea with us and we’ll do the heavy lifting required to see it come to life. It’s not just a contract for us, it’s a passion.

We want to see ideas come to life that have purpose, whether for financial gain or otherwise. This includes non-profits through our 501(c)(3) branch, where we offer mirrored services of design and development. Leave us a note or give us a call to see how we can take your idea from a napkin to an MVP, and from an MVP to a fully functioning business or platform!

App Developers in LA Make App Development Simple

If you’ve never heard of the KISS method, here’s a brief explanation:

Keep It Simple, Stupid.

We know app development is a difficult process to understand right from where to start to optimizing app development costs. It’s why we clearly explain the process of development to help our clients make informed decisions about their projects. We also package our services in ways that make sense for our clients, based on what phase you’re in and how far along your project is. After developing countless applications for different industries, we’ve noticed a few common trends on what works and what doesn’t.

For example, separating design and development is a big area for problems to occur. That’s why we do our design and development in-house in one smooth pipeline. If you have an idea, then we should start with design, if you have a design, we should start building your application, and if you have an application already, we should start building for scale.

Let us know what stage you’re in, and we’ll let you know how we can help you get to the next level.

The Best iPhone Mobile App Developers in Los Angeles

iPhone usage is going nowhere other than up, especially in the United States. In fact, in May of 2018, Apple’s iPhone held a 44.3% market share in mobile phone operating systems in the US, second only to Google’s Android. That’s been a growing number for a couple years now, as Apple last held a 43% share in 2016. We’re here to help you act quickly in an ever-growing marketplace.

Now is the time to take action on your app ideas and business extensions to make the most of these opportunities. Our team can help you take an idea and build it from the ground up, materializing the concept into a design and building a fully functional application underneath.

If you’re unsure of how your idea will fit into the marketplace, let us know and we’ll help you answer some vital questions on your path to success. Whether it’s questions around building a Native vs PWA, or the technology to use in your app, we can help you figure it out.

We’ve helped companies and individuals alike see their ideas become reality and then profit from them, after a proper product-market fit analysis. We’d love to help you do the same!

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Clients and Reviews

App Developers Who Focus on Security for User Data

As we gather, utilize, and transfer more and more data between our devices, a big question remains unanswered about how to develop secure applications.

Do you need encryption? Are you using Protected Health Information that needs to abide by regulatory health compliances? Is your code protected from SQL-injection? These are a few different questions we answer every day that one individual programmer might not be equipped to answer.

Our team is comprised of many different professionals experienced in many different phases of development including security and compliance. We also have a Quality Assurance process which is specifically tailored to test against data protection and system security.

Feel free to ask us about your application or platform’s security and we’ll let you know what to look out for!

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Development Team in Los Angeles Makes Android App Creation Look Easy

Using the word ‘Easy’ is usually a big no-no.

However, when it comes to the process we offer to our clients, it really is the most appropriate word to use. Through developing and designing hundreds of apps, we’ve created a process through which it’s actually easy for you to bring your idea to life. Whether you’re looking to build a chatbot, a dashboard web app, a loan lending app, or even an on demand delivery app, we’re partners right from strategy to launch and even maintenance.

Whether you’ve only just begun to develop an idea of your app or you have a fully functioning platform for your business that needs some modifications (or anything in between), it’s our job to ask the right questions and push the project forward in the most technically appropriate manner for your product’s success.

Is what we do easy? No, it is not. But we try to make it as easy for our client’s as possible while we deal with the challenging parts. Without challenges, we wouldn’t have any fun!

Providing Thorough QA and Scaling Plans for Los Angeles Apps

Something you might not be familiar with, if you’re not familiar with app development, is the process of QA and Scaling.

They are two very different problems to solve, but can be dealt with properly if you’re app is designed and built with the right practices. When it comes to QA, or “Qualtity Assurance” the trick is to get someone who isn’t writing the code to test the functionality. That way, you gain a fresh perspective on the app from someone who isn’t biased as to the functionality of the app. At Topflight Apps, we have a separate QA team for this very reason.

Think about it this way; if you got the builder of a bridge to drive his car over it, he would probably be inclined to drive slowly and carefully, making sure to avoid the trouble areas. If you ask someone else, they would go regular speed and in a natural pattern, thus giving a better test before launch.

To build something for scale requires a suite of skills and incredible foresight, but there are techniques for optimal scalability. This includes choosing the right server architecture to expand your physical resources quickly, writing flexible logic to handle multi-processing, and choosing the right platform to build on.

Let us know what your goals are and we’ll help you build a plan for a well-tested app ready to scale.

app developers los angeles

Los Angeles Based Mobile App Developers

app developers in los angeles RingRX

Based in Southern California? You’ve got some of the best app developers available to you in the country.

Although we are a team who works in multiple cities around the globe, our physical office and headquarters are in Orange County, CA. So if you’re in the area and you’d like to meet our team, let us know!

The advantages of working with a local team are primarily communication-based, which can be a huge difference maker. The ability to see your team in person and check-in on a more frequent basis is a plus, but the fact that you’re on the same time zone and have access to the same local resources adds to the value of the project over time. After all, we’re looking for long-term partnerships!

Why Topflight Apps is the Top Web App Developer in Los Angeles

We like to let our clients speak for us.

Gratefully, we maintain a 100% positive review on, and Facebook. Our history as a web design team as well as our individual efforts in building and launching businesses really help solidify our place as one of the top app developers for full-service design and development.

Not all teams offer both, and not all teams offer the same experience with integrating your app into your target market. We’ve developed over 125 apps for companies such as Merck, Stanford, McDonald’s, and many successful smaller businesses and startups.

The process involves identifying the pain points most vital to success, designing a solution that solves these pain points, testing it with an MVP, and building a flexible app prepared to scale.

We start every project by asking what your goals are. So, what are yours?

Learn how to build winning apps.

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